
Jump search technique also works for ordered lists. It creates a block and tries to find the element in that block. If the item is not in the block, it shifts the entire block. The block size is based on the size of the list. If the size of the list is n then block size will be √n.

After finding a correct block it finds the item using a linear search technique. The jump search lies between linear search and binary search according to its performance.

The complexity of Jump Search Technique

  • Time Complexity: O(√n)

  • Space Complexity: O(1)

Input and Output


A sorted list of data:
10 13 15 26 28 50 56 88 94 127 159 356 480 567 689 699 780 850 956 995
The search key 356


Item found at location: 11


jumpSearch(array, size, key)

Input: An sorted array, size of the array and the search key

Output: location of the key (if found), otherwise wrong location.

   blockSize := √size
   start := 0
   end := blockSize
   while array[end] <= key AND end < size do
      start := end
      end := end + blockSize
      if end > size – 1 then
         end := size
   for i := start to end -1 do
      if array[i] = key then
         return i
   return invalid location
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Jump search technique also works for ordered lists. It creates a block and 
tries to find the element in that block. If the item is not in the block, 
it shifts the entire block. The block size is based on the size of the list. 
If the size of the list is n then block size will be √n. 

After finding a correct block it finds the item using a linear search technique. The jump 
search lies between linear search and binary search according to its performance.

### The complexity of Jump Search Technique

- Time Complexity: O(√n)

- Space Complexity: O(1)

### Input and Output


A sorted list of data:
10 13 15 26 28 50 56 88 94 127 159 356 480 567 689 699 780 850 956 995
The search key 356


Item found at location: 11

### Algorithm

jumpSearch(array, size, key)

Input: An sorted array, size of the array and the search key

Output: location of the key (if found), otherwise wrong location.

   blockSize := √size
   start := 0
   end := blockSize
   while array[end] <= key AND end < size do
      start := end
      end := end + blockSize
      if end > size – 1 then
         end := size
   for i := start to end -1 do
      if array[i] = key then
         return i
   return invalid location

import math 
def search( x , arr ): 
    n = len(arr)
    # Finding block size to be jumped 
    step = int(math.sqrt(n)) 
    # Finding the block where element is 
    # present (if it is present) 
    prev = 0
    while arr[int(min(step, n)-1)] < x: 
        prev = step 
        step += int(math.sqrt(n)) 
        if prev >= n: 
            return "Not Found"
    # Doing a linear search for x in  
    # block beginning with prev. 
    while arr[int(prev)] < x: 
        prev += 1
        # If we reached next block or end  
        # of array, element is not present. 
        if prev == min(step, n): 
            return "Not Found"
    # If element is found 
    if arr[int(prev)] == x: 
        return prev 
    return "Not Found"


def search(x, arr)
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def search( x , arr ): 
    n = len(arr)
    # Finding block size to be jumped 
    step = int(math.sqrt(n)) 
    # Finding the block where element is 
    # present (if it is present) 
    prev = 0
    while arr[int(min(step, n)-1)] < x: 
        prev = step 
        step += int(math.sqrt(n)) 
        if prev >= n: 
            return "Not Found"
    # Doing a linear search for x in  
    # block beginning with prev. 
    while arr[int(prev)] < x: 
        prev += 1
        # If we reached next block or end  
        # of array, element is not present. 
        if prev == min(step, n): 
            return "Not Found"
    # If element is found 
    if arr[int(prev)] == x: 
        return prev 
    return "Not Found"