Module gopy.matrix.spiral_print
This program print the matix in spiral form. This problem has been solved through recursive way.
Matrix must satisfy below conditions
i) matrix should be only one or two dimensional
ii)column of all the row should be equal
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This program print the matix in spiral form.
This problem has been solved through recursive way.
Matrix must satisfy below conditions
i) matrix should be only one or two dimensional
ii)column of all the row should be equal
def checkMatrix(a):
# must be
if type(a) == list and len(a) > 0:
if type(a[0]) == list:
prevLen = 0
for i in a:
if prevLen == 0:
prevLen = len(i)
result = True
elif prevLen == len(i):
result = True
result = False
result = True
result = False
return result
def spiralPrint(a):
if checkMatrix(a) and len(a) > 0:
matRow = len(a)
if type(a[0]) == list:
matCol = len(a[0])
for dat in a:
# horizotal printing increasing
for i in range(0, matCol):
# vertical printing down
for i in range(1, matRow):
print(a[i][matCol - 1]),
# horizotal printing decreasing
if matRow > 1:
for i in range(matCol - 2, -1, -1):
print(a[matRow - 1][i]),
# vertical printing up
for i in range(matRow - 2, 0, -1):
remainMat = [row[1 : matCol - 1] for row in a[1 : matRow - 1]]
if len(remainMat) > 0:
print("Not a valid matrix")
# driver code
a = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]]
def checkMatrix(a)
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def checkMatrix(a): # must be if type(a) == list and len(a) > 0: if type(a[0]) == list: prevLen = 0 for i in a: if prevLen == 0: prevLen = len(i) result = True elif prevLen == len(i): result = True else: result = False else: result = True else: result = False return result
def spiralPrint(a)
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def spiralPrint(a): if checkMatrix(a) and len(a) > 0: matRow = len(a) if type(a[0]) == list: matCol = len(a[0]) else: for dat in a: print(dat), return # horizotal printing increasing for i in range(0, matCol): print(a[0][i]), # vertical printing down for i in range(1, matRow): print(a[i][matCol - 1]), # horizotal printing decreasing if matRow > 1: for i in range(matCol - 2, -1, -1): print(a[matRow - 1][i]), # vertical printing up for i in range(matRow - 2, 0, -1): print(a[i][0]), remainMat = [row[1 : matCol - 1] for row in a[1 : matRow - 1]] if len(remainMat) > 0: spiralPrint(remainMat) else: return else: print("Not a valid matrix") return